
45 jQuery菜单教程插件
我们搜集了45 jQuery菜单教程插件。无论你是在寻找一种多层次菜单,下拉菜单,一个菜单,会在工具条,一个手风琴菜单,或其他类型的菜单你可以的梦想,这篇文章会有一些有用的工具,为你。我们期待您的意见和建议的评论,这篇文章。1. FormBox – A jQuery & CSS3 Drop-Down Menu With Integrated FormsToday I’d like to share something new with you – I call it jQuery FormBox. When designing the layout for a website there’s one th
2010/12/30 Comments:
50 jQuery Photo Gallery Plugins图片画廊插件完整版
1. How to Create a Simple Slideshow using Mootools / JQueryWhen we want to show lots of content in limited screen space, Slideshows comes to rescue. Making use of slideshows is the optimal way to present large amount of information. In this post i’ll walk you through the process of making a very simple(minimilistic) slideshow using Mootoo
2010/12/30 Comments:

Query的画廊插件可以将分组图像和多媒体资料转成类似Flash的图像或照片。当幻灯片已经成为网站的重要组成部分,jQuery的重要性不能被忽视。下面为你介绍了10个最有美感,创新性和创造性的jQuery图片画廊插件: 1.How to Create a Simple Slideshow using Mootools / JQuery 当我们想要在有限的屏幕空间展示很多内容,这要使用到幻灯片。幻灯片是最佳的可以展现大量的信息的方式。在这篇文章中我将展示使用MooTools / Jquery做出简单的幻灯片的过程。 原文:http://www.javaeye.com/news/19231-50-jquery-photo-gallery-plugins 查看演示2.jbgallery 2.0 j

2010/12/30 Comments:
Navigation is one of the most important elements of a web site and this is why you want to get it right. With jQuery there are typically tons of scripts available for a particular area, but navigation is a bit different. There are great scripts available, however there are not so many as you could expect. jQuery provides several advantages for navi
2010/12/28 Comments:
jQuery头像裁剪 Image Cropper 生成图片
实现原理:这是一个基于jQuery UI的图像裁剪前端脚本。 利用Draggable和Resizable两个插件让虚线框可移动可缩放,并且设置相关参数移动界限、初始大小和位置、等比缩放、事件。 给大图加CSS透明度,于是它就灰了。虚线框内清晰图其实就是CSS背景background。以大图左上角为原点,计算出虚线框左上角的坐标offset(就叫坐标吧- -|)。虚线框的坐标值跟背景图position值刚好相反。当移动或缩放时计算一下,然后改变背景图的位置position
2010/12/28 Comments: